<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<!-- <!DOCTYPE Movie SYSTEM "dtd/RVML.dtd"> -->
<Movie version='6' width='605' height='205' rate='1' backgroundColor='white' compressed='No'
        SVG Arc Example in RVML
        Illustrates how a basic SVG shape can be represented in RVML. All styles are moved 
        to the style declaration section and each path element is preceded by the appropriate 
        style settings. The size of the resulting shape is rescaled to 50% using a ShapeTransform
        <FontDefinition id='Arial' fontName='Arial' fontStyle='(bold)' fontRange='defined' />
        <EditField id='svgHeading' bounds='bounds(0,0,0,0)' fieldName='' 
            fontID='Arial' fontSize='14.0' alignment='left' charLimit='0' color='black'
            properties='(systemFont, autosize)'>
            <InitialText>SVG Example of Arcs</InitialText>

        <!-- This is the arc example from the SVG spec - example reencoded in RVML below:
<rect x="1" y="1" width="1198" height="398"
    fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-width="1" />
<path d="M300,200 h-150 a150,150 0 1,0 150,-150 z"
    fill="red" stroke="blue" stroke-width="5" />
<path d="M275,175 v-150 a150,150 0 0,0 -150,150 z"
    fill="yellow" stroke="blue" stroke-width="5" />
<path d="M600,350 l 50,-25 
       a25,25 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25 
       a25,50 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25 
       a25,75 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25 
       a25,100 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25"
       fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="5"  />

        <Shape id='SVGArcExample' bounds="auto">
            <!-- Extract styles from example and store separately -->
                <LineStyle index="1" width="2.5" color="red"/>
                <LineStyle index="2" width="0.5" color="blue"/>
                <LineStyle index="3" width="2.5" color="blue"/>
                <ColorFill index="1"  color="red"/>
                <ColorFill index="2"  color="yellow"/>
                <SetStyle line="2"/>
                <ShapeTransform scaleX="0.5" scaleY="0.5">
                    <Rect x="1" y="1" width="1198" height="398" />
                    <SetStyle mainFill="1" line="3"/>
                    <Path d="M300,200 h-150 a150,150 0 1,0 150,-150 z"/>
                    <SetStyle mainFill="2"/>
                    <Path d="M275,175 v-150 a150,150 0 0,0 -150,150 z"/>
                    <SetStyle mainFill="0" line="1"/>
                    <Path d="M600,350 l 50,-25 a25,25 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25 
                             a25,50 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25 
                             a25,75 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25 
                             a25,100 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25" />
        <Frame >
            <Place name="svgHeading" depth="1" x="250" y="30"/>
            <Place name="SVGArcExample" depth="2"/>