<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<!-- <!DOCTYPE Movie SYSTEM "dtd/RVML.dtd"> -->
<Movie version='5' width='600' height='550' rate='1' backgroundColor='rgb(255, 255, 255)' compressed='No'
        Rectangle Example
        Illustrates the specification of Rect drawing operations. Each Rect element has
        differing rounded corner specifications.
        <Shape id='Rectangle' bounds='auto'>
                <LineStyle index='1' width='1' color='Blue' dashArray='(2,2)'/>
                <LineStyle index='2' width='1' color='red' dashArray='(2,2)'/>
                <LineStyle index='3' width='1' color='purple'/>
                <ColorFill index="1" color="yellow"/>
                <SetStyle line= '1' mainFill="1" />
                <Rect x='200' y='50' width='200' height='100' rx='2' ry='4' />
                <SetStyle line= '2' />
                <Rect x='200' y='200' width='200' height='100' rx='3' />
                <SetStyle line= '3' />
                <Rect x='200' y='350' width='200' height='100' rx='20' />
            <Place name='Rectangle' depth='1' />