User Interface Enhancements

There have been several significant changes made to enhance the Graphical Interface of KineticFusion.

Main Features

  • All ActionScript messages are now output to a new warnings table component in the GUI to provide tabular access to all compiler warnings and errors
  • Table can be sorted by one or more of the columns allowing the user to view warnings based on any combination of warning ID, file name, location.
  • Selecting a single warning displays the source line with the error location highlighted
  • Entire contents of table can be copied to the System Clipboard in Excel format
  • Double-clicking on a warning line will open the relevant file in the external ActionScript editor
  • Classes can be analyzed automatically from the file explorer
  • Class and package hierarchies can be selected for analysis using simple regular expressions
  • SWC components can be used as class path locations when analyzing classes
  • Package hierarchies can be refreshed without restarting the GUI
  • New bookmark locations simplify navigation between different projects and folders. Bookmarks are available from the main interface menu and on each File chooser.
  • Can navigate directly to a folder by entering the folder name
  • Double-clicking on an SWF or other file in the File Explorer will open the file in its associated application
  • A new menu option is available to re-run the last sequence of operations
  • File listing updates automatically when files modified outside of the application

View Screenshots


More detailed information can be found in the installation documentation.