Dynamic Data Support

It is now possible to parameterize RVML documents with external data sources. These data sources can be defined in external documents, on the command-line or with user-specified Java objects permitting access to application and/or database information at compile time. Instead of using complex external XSLT transformations, developers can now take advantage of native inline transformations.
Main Features
- Import data into an RVML document from external XML documents
- Reference external XML data using full XPath expressions
- Import data from Java property files
- Import data from user-defined JavaBean objects
- Parameterize RVML documents from the command-line
- Combine multiple data-sources for a single RVML document
- Access dynamic data using inbuilt Attribute Expression Language
- Use inline or external template documents providing full access to all defined data sources
- Templating features use the powerful Freemarker Template Engine
- Full documentation on the Attribute Expression Language and templates provided
More detailed information can be found in the installation documentation.