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This element places an instance of a symbol onto the timeline at a specified display depth. The display depth is a type of z-ordering where elements at a higher depth appear in front of elements at lower depths. Only a single symbol can occupy a specified depth on a single timeline until the symbol is removed with a Remove element or replaced with a Replace element. Place elements can also take basic transformation attributes. These, in general, should be used in preference to a nested Transform element in situations where the placed symbol is already defined and the bounds are known. The location of the referenced symbol can be modified with the x and y attributes, the scale of the symbol can be modified using the width and height attributes, and the rotation of the symbol modified using the rotate attribute. Note that when the width and height attributes are used for compound symbols such as MovieClips and Buttons, their bounds are calculated by summing the bounds of all symbols on their timeline or, in the case of buttons, their hit areas.

If it is necessary to specify skew attributes using differing values for rotateX and rotateY, or if it is preferred to specify an absolute transform independent of the placed symbol, then the nested Transform element can be used


name The id of the symbol to place on the timeline.
depth This is the unique depth at which to place this instance of the symbol.
From Value1
To Value65535
instanceName Optional name used to refer to the instance from ActionScript. Only elements of type EditField, MovieClip, Button and Video can be assigned names. Import symbols resolving to these types are also supported.
clipDepth Optional attribute which, if set, defines this instance as a clipping symbol clipping all depths from the instance's depth to the specified depth which must be greater than the depth at which the symbol is placed. The instance will be used as a mask allowing only those overlapping symbol parts within the specified clipping depths to be displayed. Only those filled areas of shapes are used as clipping areas, lines are ignored. Elements already placed on the stage in previous frames cannot be subsequently masked in later frames in current players unless removed and replaced.

EditField elements cannot be used as clipping symbols however all text fields can be used as they depend solely on embedded character definitions. Prior to Version 6 MovieClip elements cannot be used as clipping shapes.

From Value1
To Value65535
tabIndex Optional attribute specifying a tab index for the symbol. Tab indices are used by screen readers and provide a means to signal that the current symbol has content that is renderable by such a reader.
From Value0
To Value65535
ratio Optional attribute used for MorphShapes and Videos. When used for a MorphShape, this refers to the degree of interpolation between the FromShape and the ToShape. A value of 0 displays the FromShape, a value of 65535 displays the ToShape and all values in between result in an interpolation between the two in direct proportion to the ratio.

For Video symbols this moves the video playhead to the frame number specified by the ratio value.

From Value0
To Value65535
x X position for specified symbol. Moves the origin of the symbol to the specified X coordinate.
Default Value0
y Y position for specified symbol. Moves the origin of the symbol to the specified Y coordinate.
Default Value0
width The new width of the symbol. The symbol width is independent of the coordinate system of the symbol being altered. In order for this attribute to be specified, the symbol must already be defined in RVML, and it cannot have a width of zero.
Default ValueWidth of existing symbol
height The new height of the symbol. The symbol height is independent of the coordinate system of the symbol being altered. In order for this attribute to be specified, the symbol must already be defined in RVML, and it cannot have a height of zero.
Default ValueHeight of existing symbol
rotate Rotation in degrees about the origin of the shape, applied before the application of the x and y attribute definitions, if specified.
Default Value0
blend Flash 8 introduced blending of multiple overlapping symbols on a stage. There are 14 different blend types supported. Blends remain applied to a symbol instance until explicitly reset. To remove a previously applied blend mode, the blend value should be set to 'normal'.
cacheAsBitmap Flash 8 introduced a new setting for indicating that a MovieClip or Button placed on the timeline should be converted to a bitmap for faster rendering. This enables the Flash player to optimize the rendering of display objects that are frequently redrawn on the stage.
The displayed symbol should be converted to a bitmap
The displayed symbol should not be converted to a bitmap
Default Valueno

Child Elements


Parent Elements



EditField Examples
Timeline Color Transformations
Line Style and Scaling
CArcs Example
Elliptical Arcs Example
EditField Transformations
Circle Examples
Shape Fill Examples
Shape Origin Example
Button Example
Font Manipulation Examples
Dynamic MovieClip Clipping
Clipping and Text Clipping Example
Button DragTarget Example
Color Specification Example
Defines simple symbol for export
HTML Support in EditFields
Importing symbols at runtime
Timeline Replace Examples
Text Segments Example
Example Of MovieClip classes
Example Of MovieClip classes and scripted animations
Color Gradient Examples
Animate simple symbols on timeline
Button Sound Example
Quadratic Curve Example
SVG Arc Example in RVML
Import and Export a Symbol
MorphShape Example
Shape Transform Examples
Square to Circle Morph Example
User-Defined Font Example
ADPCM Sound Example
Simple MP3 Sound Example
ActionScriptSettings Example
Examples of Elliptical Arcs and Circular Arcs
Raw MP3 Example
Font Range Examples
ActionScript on the Timeline
ImageFill Examples
ImageShape Example
Line Style Z-Ordering
Polygon Example
Simple Polyline Example
Rectangle Example
Sound Envelope Example
Simple MP3 Sound From URL Example
Video Example

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